Healthy Cookies... Where do I signup?

Here it is folks my healthy, yet tasty banana and oat cookie recipe.

Ok, so firstly I know lots of people can't stand bananas, so you could experiment with some really ripe mango instead.

Healthy Banana & Oat Cookies

Makes 6 biscuits


3 ripe bananas

4 handfuls of oats

2 handful of desiccated coconut

3-4 tbsp of honey

Dark chocolate (75%) – add as much/little to taste

A scattering of raisins (optional)


Mash the bananas in a bowl, then throw everything in and mix together. If you feel they are a little too claggy, feel free to add a dash of water.

Make them into cookie shapes on a baking tray and bake for around 20-25 mins on 200 degrees (fan assisted).

Then enjoy!

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